martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Footwear: Ghillies, hose, garters, flashes

Ghillies, or Ghillie Brogues, are a modern development of the old shoes used by highlanders. These shoes are laced through leather tangs and do not have the tongue which covers the bridge of the foot in normal shoes. The high lacing helped prevent the shoe from being sucked off by mud.

Kilt hose are long stockings normally worn knee-high with the upper part of the hose folded back down just below the knee. They are available in a variety of solid colours so as to match any tartan colour. They can also be found in diced patterns. The most common colour of hose however, is cream, the colour of unbleached wool.

Garters are elastic straps worn inside the cuff of the hose to hold them in place. The flashes are short strips of fabric hanging from the garter, mostly matching the tartan.